
Month: July 2023

The God Who Speaks to the Lost (And Found), Part I

Just finished up a week on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It was rough duty. Discovered something though. Our wild and amazing God was up to his usual predictably unpredictable ways-especially back… Read More

Yeah, What Moses Said…

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but it took me a long time to notice something. There is one Psalm in the Bible that was written by…wait for it…Moses himself. I know, he’s… Read More

The Need for a Spiritual Reset, Part II

many have identified problems amongst the people of God, the suggested solutions are often unbiblical and not helpful in advancing the kingdom of God. I left our discussion last time with a… Read More

Revival, the Spirit, and Your Spirit, Part II

Why I am concerned for our young revivalists. In part one of this blog series, we talked about the challenges of understanding how the Holy Spirit works as the Scripture instructs us,… Read More

Pray Without Ceasing, Really?

So. yeah, the Bible says to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). For the longest time I thought that was sort of metaphorical. What Paul the Apostle really meant was “pray regularly”… Read More

Revival, the Spirit, and Your Spirit, Part I

We live in an exciting day. Revival appears to be breaking out on a number of college campuses. This has led to a number of online interviews, social media posts, and blogs… Read More

The Need for a Spiritual Reset, Part I

“Honey, my computer is doing this weird thing, it’s really slow and this window keeps popping up,” said my lovely wife on the phone. I was 1,600 miles away on a trip,… Read More

The Greatest Love of All? Self-Love? No…

“Learning to love yourself, this is the greatest love of all.” Those words are from the song The Greatest Love of All written by Linda Creed and Michael Messer. It’t been around… Read More

Rejoice Always, Really?

So the Apostle Paul is problematic. He says things like “Pray without ceasing” and “give thanks in all circumstances.” (I Thes. 5:17) As I said in an earlier article about the “pray… Read More

Would Jesus Selfie? The Problem with Natural You

I love the picture with this posting. There’s just something about the Son of God (or a portrayal of him) doing a selfie that just screams “Jesus wouldn’t do this!” But it… Read More