
A Christian Response to the Trump Administration

What should be the biblically based  Christian response to the Trump administration?

There were some well-known and respected Christian voices during the election season who were strongly advocating Christians stay out of politics. Much of their reasoning revolved around the fact that salvation for America will not come from whoever is President (true), that our involvement in political issues will hurt the cause of Christ (perhaps?), and that Romans 13 specifies obedience to established powers (hmm).

Salvation Does Not Come From a President

To the first point of salvation for a country not coming from a single elected person, that is true. But biblically you do see how even pagan kings were influenced by and used by God to do his bidding. The life of Daniel and Esther show this in a powerful way–with a caveat?

That caveat is that the God-follower also stood up and interacted with that King. None of these Kings in question were spiritual giants in any way. Yet God used them, alongside his children, to bless Israel and Judah.

In view of the way God has worked through history, what should be the Christian Response to the Trump administration?

Allow God to be sovereign in our land. No matter who was elected to be President, we need to prayerfully seek the righteousness of God and his glory at all times. We need to consider that a time of darkness might be what God brings about in order to awaken his people that they have drifted from the light.

Looking at much of President Trump’s agenda, I see more light than darkness. Yet those points of light will aggravate the demonic forces of Satan. I would expect that if this new administration stays true to their plan–there will be much opposition. There will be much noise and spectacle in the fight against what is good and needed.  We must be ready to fight for the light of the gospel.

Some, under demonic influence, will definitely say some bad things about Christ and his followers.

So be it.

Being Politically Involved Will Hurt the Cause of Christ

The second point, that being politically involved will harm the cause of Christ, has some merit. If we are speaking biblical truth in love and it is causing those who are under the influence of Satan to become angry, well, so be it. As the Apostle Peter says, Beloved, do  not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. (1 Pet. 4:!2)

Peter lets us know that we should expect controversy and opposition when we seek to glorify Jesus. Expect it.

But herein lies the caution.

We must be within the boundaries of scriptural truth. As I have outlined in Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are, the majority of American Christians do not read or meditate on Scripture. If they read at all, it is of a “devotional” nature, very short, shallow, and often guided by a devotional guide into a feel-good message. If this describes you and you desire a path out, get my book Superhero, it has a return to reading plan in it that will enable you to devour Scripture.

Christian or Cult-Member?

Just to emphasize the importance of the necessity of dwelling in the Bible in order to be who God needs and planned for you to be–as I noted in my book Satan’s Wager: What the Devil and Job Got Wrong About God, if you are a follower of Christ and do not have a strong knowledge of Scripture, yet have strong opinions about what is right and wrong in God’s sight, you are a cult member!

If your ideas about Jesus, salvation, and what is right and wrong in the world is based upon what you’ve heard that sounds good to you–you are living in a dangerous place. Paul described this as someone who has a “zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish heir own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness.” (Rom. 10:2, 3)

If the Spirit is convicting you that this describes you and you want a practical path to an increasing knowing of God and his righteousness, get my book Superhero at this link. 

When is Harm, Harm?

Back to the second point, that our standing for righteousness in the political arena could harm the cause of Christ–it is partly true. If we come from a place of well-intentioned ignorance, then that is sin.

However, if we are accurately handling Scripture let us indeed not be surprised, or shrink back from, the fiery trial that will ensure when we irritate the demonic forces in our world.

What is the Christian Response to the Trump Administration? If you are just a member of a cult that feels and sounds good, repent. Dwell in the God-breathed Word and see our Sovereign revealed increasingly in his glory!

If you have a solid knowledge of the Word and are growing in your love for Christ, then do what Micah the prophet said long ago;

HE has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Mic. 6:8)

Romans 13 Says We Must Submit to Authorities

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Rom. 13:1)

That verse seems very clear-cut.

And indeed it is.

But what those who claim we should not be involved in the political process (at least in the USA) fail to understand is the very critical point here.

Who is the “authority” in America? This is a point of ignorance on the part of many who are biblically savvy, unfortunately.

The Surprising Authority

The preamble to the United States Constitution makes it clear who the authority is:

We the people of the United States…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States. 

“We the people” are the government. Understanding the difference between this establishment of government and most of the others in the world requires some diligent study in the founding period of the USA, and even into the history of Great Britain.

For a more detailed explanation of this get my book Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are at this link.

But for now, understand that the founders of this nation had a strong concept of covenant. In Great Britain, because of the selfish wickedness of several “royal” Kings (and Queens), the people established covenantal limitations on the monarchy. The Magna Carta as well as The Englishman’s Declaration of Rights were two landmark documents along the path of self-governance, liberty, and republicanism.

This concept was brought forward in the new colonies, notably in Connecticut, who after struggling to establish a proper government went to Scripture, and saw there the selection of leaders by the consent and choice of the people and with it a document that limited the authority of those in authority. That document was called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. 

This early document influenced the colonies heavily, and eventually resulted in the amazing words We the People… . 

How Do We Respect Authority Then?

This changes the application of Romans 13, not the veracity of it.

Since the authority to govern comes from each of us, we therefore not only may participate in politics, we must! We are of a covenantal republic (not a democracy) and as citizens of this land, we must be participating in the political process.

In view of this, what is a Christian Response to the Trump Administration? The same as it would have been to a Harris administration.

We must participate at whatever level the Lord leads us. Some may be called to run for office, locally, state, or nationally. Some may write about political policy and its rightness or wrongness according to the Word. Others may simply influence through friendships or perhaps via media. All should vote.

What should the Christian Response be to the Trump Administration be? We must keep our part of the covenant, in whatever way God leads each of us.

Let’s do this…

(Image by YayaErnst/IStockphoto)

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