In part 2 of the series, we talked about the massive problem of myopic compassion. This is the current trend of even Christian leaders pontificating that “Jesus would not embrace deportation” without considering what Scripture says in total or what the moral situation is.
The key question was, “Would Jesus look on as someone sexually abuse a young child sold into sexual slavery (through the southern border) and give the thumbs up, saying ‘That’s what I’d do!”?
Yet that is what we are hearing from the top down. Legacy media, social media “Christian” influencers, and well-known Christian leaders are myopically embracing a perverted compassion.
Most unfortunately, as mentioned in part 2, too many Christians are cult members. They believe what manipulates their emotions and come down on this social issue on the demonic side.
As clearly shown in part 2 of this discussion, to only say “deportation is not compassionate” fails to show compassion to all parties who are hurt by this politically caused situation.
We must be circumspect (looking around) for all those who caused the problem, and be compassionate to everyone harmed by it.
But is Deportation Godly?
Back to the core verse about the godly purpose/role of government: Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution…as sent by him (God) to punish those who do evil, and to praise those who do good. (1 Pet 2:13-14)
Of course, we have verses hurled toward us as conclusive proof of the need for blanket amnesty, such as “Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” (Dt. 18:19).
Think about the context. The nation of Israel was chosen to bring the Messiah, the Anointed One who would save all people, into the world. They were instructed to maintain family purity (not racial purity, race is a false and demonic man-made concept as it exists today) in order to avoid the influence of false gods.
Israel was human, of course, and they failed maintain this purity. There were foreigners in their land, and more would move there as time went on. God’s admonishment is reflective of his heart. He wants all people to be loved.
Therein lies the rub. Not only are Christians today easily emotionally manipulated, but they also have embraces an emotional (and ungodly) view of love.
This is How We Know Love
How do we apply biblical love to deportation?
Consider this: By this we know love, that he [Jesus] laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” (1 Jn. 3:16)
Be careful of making a purely emotional interpretation of that.
Jesus was not emotionally motivated to suffer and die on the cross. My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. (Mt. 26:39)
Yet he did it because it was the loving thing his father wanted done: …Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you willl.” (Mt. 26:39)
He did what was best for us. What was in our best interest.
Is Blanket Amnesty Love?
When we talk about living the love of Jesus, we need to do in a way that loves all involved, not just the people being portrayed as innocent victims by media, influencers, and even some Christian leaders.
As we pointed out in part 2 on Myopic Compassion, the human costs to so many people of the unrestrained, politically motivated, and unvetted assault of illegal immigrants across the southern border has been unacceptable.
Sex trafficking up 600 percent. Illegal, poor quality, and cheap fentanyl carried across by the ton each month by those entering our country lawlessly.
Violent criminals, gangs, and terrorist (with weaponry) are now living among us and likely violence against law-abiding citizens will increase.
What is the loving thing to do? Just to pronounce that “Jesus heartily approves of all of that” as long as we throw in our Christian buzz-words of “compassion” and “love” in there?
Are we to continue sinning that grace may abound? (Rom. 6:1) May it never be…
In Spite of What You Have Heard
Regarding deportation, in spite of what you have been emotionally manipulated to believe by media–no families are being rounded up and dumped on the other side of the border.
For now, the concentration is on known criminals, terrorists, and drug/human traffickers. (The druggies are engaged in human trafficking usually, it increases their profit margin).
So refuse to be shallow when you are hit with the unbiblical emotional garbage they are throwing at you through your electronic devices.
You are being manipulated, so back to part 1 of this series, seek the truth and prayerfully considerer what is moral and right.
The Compassionate Response?
I’m being 100 percent honest with you. I do not have a comprehensive solution to the mass deportation problem.
I agree with what many of you were likely thinking as you read this: “Not every illegal immigrant is involved in sex or drug trafficking. Not every one of them is a criminal or terrorist (well, technically, sneaking into any country does make you a criminal).”
Yes, that is the problem. Looking at the motives of those who came, who were lured by the exploitative promises of evil men and women in power, it was likely a simple motive. “Free stuff sounds good, and life where I am sucks.”
Plus, we in this issue of deportation must consider the overall truth of Who God Is:
The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and fourth generation. (Ex. 34:6, 7)
There is so much iniquity, transgression, and sin go around.
The Nehemiah Response
Nehemiah was faced with a horrible situation in his life. His people had been so rebellious against God that the LORD arranged for them to be overrun by an evil foreign power.
Even though he was not involved (he was too young, the sins against God had occurred long before he was born) when he recognized the manner in which Jerusalem had been destroyed, and the remnants of his family were struggling–and thought back to the sins that led to that horrible outcome, he prayed the following:
I now pray before you day and night for the people of Israel, your servants, confessing the sins of the people, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father’s house have sinned. we have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments…(Neh. 1:6, 7)
We as the people of God, as well as we the nation of America, as well as every illegal immigrant who snuck across the border, as well as every drug or sex trafficker, and every criminal/terrorist, stand before the Dread Sovereign LORD of the universe utterly naked and clothed in our collective sin.
He is in heaven, he is God of all, and we are not. We stand as a “we”, and we must have his guidance and intervention to “fix” this problem.
The guilty need to repent, and likely, pay for their sins.
Some sins in this situation are deserving of death. “Little ones”” have been kidnapped and sold into the traumatic life of sexual abuse–all while our leaders, media influencers,, and many Christians have pontificated the need for the “compassion of Jesus” in their demands that nothing be done!
Deportation is a just legal response. It honors the many poor who are in the cue to attain citizenship once the process runs its course.
But then, many desiring a better life through the deceptive “free stuff” our exploitative politicians have offered, were sadly duped into violating the law and putting themselves in an even worse situation than they left.
Pray humbly for us. Ask for forgiveness for us. Ask for God’s hand to be upon the leadership of our country as they endeavor to rid our nation of the vile evil of sex trafficking, fentanyl murders, terrorism, rape, murder, and theft this illegal alien invasion has brought upon law abiding citizens.
If you realize from this series that you are indeed a Christian cult member, rather than a disciple., get my book Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are. It provides a strong pathway to leave cult Christianity and instead walk in the Spirit and allow the power of God to work through you.
Let’s do this…Stevo out…
(Image by Fokusiert/Istockphoto)
The Deportation Quandary
Last Updated: January 29, 2025 by Stephen K. Moore · Leave a Comment
In part 2 of the series, we talked about the massive problem of myopic compassion. This is the current trend of even Christian leaders pontificating that “Jesus would not embrace deportation” without considering what Scripture says in total or what the moral situation is.
The key question was, “Would Jesus look on as someone sexually abuse a young child sold into sexual slavery (through the southern border) and give the thumbs up, saying ‘That’s what I’d do!”?
Yet that is what we are hearing from the top down. Legacy media, social media “Christian” influencers, and well-known Christian leaders are myopically embracing a perverted compassion.
Most unfortunately, as mentioned in part 2, too many Christians are cult members. They believe what manipulates their emotions and come down on this social issue on the demonic side.
As clearly shown in part 2 of this discussion, to only say “deportation is not compassionate” fails to show compassion to all parties who are hurt by this politically caused situation.
We must be circumspect (looking around) for all those who caused the problem, and be compassionate to everyone harmed by it.
But is Deportation Godly?
Back to the core verse about the godly purpose/role of government: Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution…as sent by him (God) to punish those who do evil, and to praise those who do good. (1 Pet 2:13-14)
Of course, we have verses hurled toward us as conclusive proof of the need for blanket amnesty, such as “Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” (Dt. 18:19).
Think about the context. The nation of Israel was chosen to bring the Messiah, the Anointed One who would save all people, into the world. They were instructed to maintain family purity (not racial purity, race is a false and demonic man-made concept as it exists today) in order to avoid the influence of false gods.
Israel was human, of course, and they failed maintain this purity. There were foreigners in their land, and more would move there as time went on. God’s admonishment is reflective of his heart. He wants all people to be loved.
Therein lies the rub. Not only are Christians today easily emotionally manipulated, but they also have embraces an emotional (and ungodly) view of love.
This is How We Know Love
How do we apply biblical love to deportation?
Consider this: By this we know love, that he [Jesus] laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” (1 Jn. 3:16)
Be careful of making a purely emotional interpretation of that.
Jesus was not emotionally motivated to suffer and die on the cross. My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. (Mt. 26:39)
Yet he did it because it was the loving thing his father wanted done: …Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you willl.” (Mt. 26:39)
He did what was best for us. What was in our best interest.
Is Blanket Amnesty Love?
When we talk about living the love of Jesus, we need to do in a way that loves all involved, not just the people being portrayed as innocent victims by media, influencers, and even some Christian leaders.
As we pointed out in part 2 on Myopic Compassion, the human costs to so many people of the unrestrained, politically motivated, and unvetted assault of illegal immigrants across the southern border has been unacceptable.
Sex trafficking up 600 percent. Illegal, poor quality, and cheap fentanyl carried across by the ton each month by those entering our country lawlessly.
Violent criminals, gangs, and terrorist (with weaponry) are now living among us and likely violence against law-abiding citizens will increase.
What is the loving thing to do? Just to pronounce that “Jesus heartily approves of all of that” as long as we throw in our Christian buzz-words of “compassion” and “love” in there?
Are we to continue sinning that grace may abound? (Rom. 6:1) May it never be…
In Spite of What You Have Heard
Regarding deportation, in spite of what you have been emotionally manipulated to believe by media–no families are being rounded up and dumped on the other side of the border.
For now, the concentration is on known criminals, terrorists, and drug/human traffickers. (The druggies are engaged in human trafficking usually, it increases their profit margin).
So refuse to be shallow when you are hit with the unbiblical emotional garbage they are throwing at you through your electronic devices.
You are being manipulated, so back to part 1 of this series, seek the truth and prayerfully considerer what is moral and right.
The Compassionate Response?
I’m being 100 percent honest with you. I do not have a comprehensive solution to the mass deportation problem.
I agree with what many of you were likely thinking as you read this: “Not every illegal immigrant is involved in sex or drug trafficking. Not every one of them is a criminal or terrorist (well, technically, sneaking into any country does make you a criminal).”
Yes, that is the problem. Looking at the motives of those who came, who were lured by the exploitative promises of evil men and women in power, it was likely a simple motive. “Free stuff sounds good, and life where I am sucks.”
Plus, we in this issue of deportation must consider the overall truth of Who God Is:
The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and fourth generation. (Ex. 34:6, 7)
There is so much iniquity, transgression, and sin go around.
The Nehemiah Response
Nehemiah was faced with a horrible situation in his life. His people had been so rebellious against God that the LORD arranged for them to be overrun by an evil foreign power.
Even though he was not involved (he was too young, the sins against God had occurred long before he was born) when he recognized the manner in which Jerusalem had been destroyed, and the remnants of his family were struggling–and thought back to the sins that led to that horrible outcome, he prayed the following:
I now pray before you day and night for the people of Israel, your servants, confessing the sins of the people, which we have sinned against you. Even I and my father’s house have sinned. we have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments…(Neh. 1:6, 7)
We as the people of God, as well as we the nation of America, as well as every illegal immigrant who snuck across the border, as well as every drug or sex trafficker, and every criminal/terrorist, stand before the Dread Sovereign LORD of the universe utterly naked and clothed in our collective sin.
He is in heaven, he is God of all, and we are not. We stand as a “we”, and we must have his guidance and intervention to “fix” this problem.
The guilty need to repent, and likely, pay for their sins.
Some sins in this situation are deserving of death. “Little ones”” have been kidnapped and sold into the traumatic life of sexual abuse–all while our leaders, media influencers,, and many Christians have pontificated the need for the “compassion of Jesus” in their demands that nothing be done!
Deportation is a just legal response. It honors the many poor who are in the cue to attain citizenship once the process runs its course.
But then, many desiring a better life through the deceptive “free stuff” our exploitative politicians have offered, were sadly duped into violating the law and putting themselves in an even worse situation than they left.
Pray humbly for us. Ask for forgiveness for us. Ask for God’s hand to be upon the leadership of our country as they endeavor to rid our nation of the vile evil of sex trafficking, fentanyl murders, terrorism, rape, murder, and theft this illegal alien invasion has brought upon law abiding citizens.
If you realize from this series that you are indeed a Christian cult member, rather than a disciple., get my book Superhero: Being Who God Says You Are. It provides a strong pathway to leave cult Christianity and instead walk in the Spirit and allow the power of God to work through you.
Let’s do this…Stevo out…
(Image by Fokusiert/Istockphoto)
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